Too often we focus on our illness. When we tend to do that, we make our illness our identity. Our illness doesn't define us. It is important to still find joy every day. Here is a list of 50 things that bring me happiness.
1. Kisses from my puppy
2. Standing in the sun on a nice warm summer day
3. After a long day of cleaning and the house is finally strong
4. Hot baths with Epsom salts and essential oils
5. My diffuser
6. First swim of the summer
7. Being called beautiful
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio and singing
9. Receiving a handwritten letter in the mail
10. Sleeping in late
11. Belly laughs
12. Popping bubble wrap
13. A jack Browns burger
14. Dance parties
15. Watching sunrises
16. Having a bonfire with s'mores
17. Finding the last t-shirt in your size
18. Waking up without an alarm
19. Warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies
20. Saturday mornings
21. Brunch
22. Catching up with an old friend
23. Traveling
24. A good cry
25. Pretty leaves in the fall
26. The first snow of the season
27. Watermelon on a hot day
28. Perfecting a new recipe
29. Getting my haircut
30. Finding a perfect pair of jeans
31. Stargazing
32. Long weekends
33. Leggings
34. A good hair day
35. Finding money in your pocket that you didn't know you had
36. The abundance of family
37. Taking off your bra as soon as you get home
38. Getting a manicure
39. Lazy Sundays
40. Finding something you love on sale
41. The feeling you get after working out
42. A long hot shower
43. Clean sheets
44. Advocating for Lyme disease
45. Growing flowers
46. Journaling
47. The smell of saltwater at the beach
48. A long walk on a beautiful day
49. A glass of wine after a long day
50. The realization that this too shall pass
Please feel free to share the things that make you happy too!
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to look past the imperfections."