Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Marathon Not The Sprint

Lyme disease is a marathon and anyone who has it or any of its coinfections or is even a caregiver to someone with it can attest to that statement.  I am always looking for the quick fix and with Lyme there is no “quick fix”; it is slow and steady wins the race.  I am tired of this marathon and tired of people telling me that it is a marathon.  I like 5 k’s.  I have been overly emotional recently due to the die off reaction of the spirochete; I can’t seem to stop crying.  Everything sends me into an emotional outburst of tears that just pour out of my eyes.  It makes me want to resist being in public because I never know what is going to send me over the edge or whom I could be around when I am going to start to cry.  Plus, my memory has been really bad not just Lyme bad, but over the top bad.  I can’t seem to remember anything and I hate it.  Even when I write things down I can’t remember it; I have a calendar and a journal and I still miss appointments!!! 

My newest concern though is that my Babesia is taking control of my body.  I was at physical therapy yesterday and just from light manual stimulation from my physical therapist’s hands I had a bruise on my back from his thumb and I have been having some blood in my urine, not to be confused with a UTI.  I am going to message my LLMD and see what they suggest I do because I know that this cannot be a good sign.

The bruise that is literally a thumb print

In addition, I did bikram yoga yesterday as a detoxification mechanism to try to sweat out the toxins in my body and boy did I sweat!  It kicked my ass and in a way I attribute that to me being sad about Paige being gone.  I am still trying to cope with her being back in California; I know I will see her soon but still it is a hard loss for me because she was keeping me going with her positive, supportive energy.  After though I felt great, way more alive after I got all of the toxins out of my body.

This is the second week of my protocol then I get two weeks off; thank the Lord!  Almost there!  This Clindamycin makes me so nauseous!  Also I am going to try to get a massage this week to help push some of the toxins out of my body because I am beginning to feel toxic again and I cannot afford a toxin build up again similar to last time.  Everyone else believes in me now it is time for me to truly believe in myself. 

One of the hardest things I have been wrapping my mind around was seeing my second Mom, Linda on Sunday in the arboretum and her telling me that she was close to death.  I could see it in her eyes and in her body; I could sense it.  I am afraid that after her two sons leave, that she too will leave but not for college like them.  I am afraid of losing her; she has been such a supporter in my life and I love her deeply.  She always introduces me as her daughter; she always did want a daughter.  She has two sons and I love having a family in Harrisonburg that I can go to if I need anything or if I just need some peace and quiet or someone to talk to.  I have never been taken in like the Green’s have accepted me.  I am going to do anything I can to try and help her.  She has Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, Mycotoxicity, and many other chemical sensitivities.  Maybe I am wrong and she will pull through; I will pray every single day for her and if others can too it would be greatly appreciated.  I can’t afford to lose her. 

Linda and I

 "Don't let your struggle become your identity"

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