Friday, April 25, 2014

Vacations-Never Again

Let’s me just begin to say, I am sorry for this long overdue blog post.  I know people enjoy reading my blog posts and I do apologize for not getting this post out sooner.  My family and I made it to Florida on Saturday because we stopped Friday night somewhere in South Carolina, I believe if memory serves me correctly.  Almost every hotel was booked when we pulled off the exit around 10:30/11 because all of the spring breakers were crashing for the night.  We didn’t care where we stayed all we needed was somewhere to crash too, however, we weren’t willing to risk our safety for a night’s stay.  After pulling up to 3 or 4 hotels and my Dad hopping out of the car, running in then running back out into the car, only to tell us that the hotel was full like the rest, we finally found a hotel.  We stayed in a pretty crappy room for $119 dollars; my Dad is a man of reason and he tried to bargain his way down.  We have AAA, but these people know that this is their season and bottom line is they could charge whatever they would like and we would pay because everywhere was booked!  She essentially said you can pay or keep driving.  How nice.

We paid and enjoyed our night’s stay.  The rest of the drive wasn’t bad except for the fact by the end I think we were all ancy and wanted to get there to enjoy the warmth especially my poor sister.  The Indiana winter ate away at her; it’s lonely there and it doesn’t help that her roommate situation isn’t ideal.  She is a night owl and has a lot of family issues.  She doesn’t know how to communicate appropriately and things are worse since my sister told her they weren’t living together next year.  Needless to say, I think my sister needed the sun more than any of us did.  By the time we got to my grandparents house, I threw on my bathing suit and darted towards the pool.  I didn’t waste any time, I felt bad not visiting with my grandparents long especially since they weren’t staying more than a night with us but I NEEDED the pool and a tan.  I don’t think I have ever appreciated 4 hours more in my life and that isn’t an exaggeration.  The sun was warm, but not island hot where you feel uncomfortable; I was surrounded by all of the people I love and I was away from school.  After spending the day at the pool, I went home to nap and that is when I received the dreaded phone call.

The microbiologist had left me a message saying he needed me to call him as soon as possible.  It was a Saturday, if a microbiologist tells you to call them on a Saturday as soon as possible that isn’t a good sign.  I stepped outside the house because I didn’t want to make a seen and I called, only to have my stomach drop the lowest it has gone in awhile.  He told me he had found an unusual amount of bacteria in my blood, which would explain why I am not feeling better.  I took a deep breath, not crying, I was too numb for tears.  How could this happen on my vacation?  I never go away.  I will never go away again because clearly I am not meant to go away.  Bad things happen when I go away.  All I wanted to do was enjoy a few days with my family.  In my head the rationale I was experiencing was that I had just tasted a bit of heaven and it was just snatched out from under me again.  I asked a few more questions like what bacteria was it?, should I go to the hospital to get my line out?, could he call my dr?, etc.   He didn’t have any answers at this stage in the game.  He said let me identify the bacteria which should be by tomorrow then we can move from there.  I was freaking out, what am I supposed to do in Florida knowing that?  I don’t even have a doctor there.  I don’t know where the hospital is. 

I calmly went back in side and I asked if I could speak to my Dad before we ate dinner in the other room.  I explained the entire situation to my Dad.  He asked me if I needed to leave Florida.  He said we could go home.  I thought I needed to fly home but my parents had a point, with the information we knew at that point what were they going to do for me at home.  I couldn’t do anything at home differently than I could in Florida until we at least had different information.  I said okay fine I understand.  I tried to enjoy the rest of the night, but how could you with information like that.  I kept thinking I had a fever too, maybe out of paranoia but still! 

The whole time I was in Florida I laid out in the sun and I slept entirely too much, an unhealthy amount of time.  I would be concerned for the average person had they slept as much as I did.  Skip a few days and it is Tuesday morning, my Mom is waking me up telling me we are flying home.  She wants me to get my line pulled out and I wanted to too.  No one should have bacteria in their blood, which is by definition another round of Sepsis!  On Sunday the bacteria still hadn’t been able to be identified and same with on Monday, which was very aggravating, but they thought gram negative.  Scary.  While in the airport waiting to board the plane, my doctor called my Mom’s cell phone with an update on the blood culture FINALLY.  My doctor told my Mom that the blood culture came back as cocci bacteria, for those of you that are reading this and don’t know what cocci bacteria are, it is usually gonorrhea.  It can be two other types of bacteria, but in most cases it is gonorrhea; however, I knew that it wasn’t gonorrhea, but convincing my doctor and Mom this while in the airport was quite the task.  My doctor straight up asked me if I was having sex currently and if I was at the risk for STD’s because then this would be a concern.  She said as my healthcare provider she needs to know especially considering I am on IV medication, which I completely understand but I wasn’t lying!  Then I asked if I had gonorrhea wouldn’t they have caught it when I had sepsis in January and was hospitalized; they answer was yes.  Plus I wasn’t sure if gonorrhea was one of those STD’s that you could get from a toilet seat and have no idea or if it had to be sex.  The worst part wasn’t my mother’s reaction actually; the worst part was I couldn’t really ask questions because I was in the airport.  There were people sitting all around me and I couldn’t ask direct questions; I would say “it”, “this”, “contracted”, etc.  And I had to sit on a plane with this news. 

More to come soon be patient.

“Who I am and what I am capable of doing has always managed to surprise me.”

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