Thursday, March 13, 2014

Doctor's Visit 3/7/14

After I had my last class of the day Thursday evening, which lets out at 6:15, I hurried home to once again finish packing!  By this time I had found out that I had received a 93% on my Cognitive Psych test and couldn’t be happier.  I had literally screamed with excitement when I had received the email from my professor, what a great way to start my Spring break.  But, I still had to pack, which for the average person shouldn’t take a super long time; however when you are packing IV tubing, dressing change kits, heparin, saline, lactated ringers, 10 days worth of medication, and then clothes, it takes a long time.  I have to triple check every bag because I can’t buy heparin or a dressing change kit at the local convenience store in Florida.  Needless to say, traveling is very stressful for me, but by the time my Dad had come to pick me up at around 8pm I was ready to go.

After he questioned if I needed everything that I had packed, we loaded the car and hit the road for the three-hour drive home.  In the car my Dad told me some very exciting news, I found out that I was going to have my blood looked at by a microbiologist we know that owns a lab; he was going to be looking to see if there was still Lyme bacteria, any other bacteria, or just to see if there was anything else of concern.  My Dad had gone to talk to him on Wednesday because I had been off of Tigecycline for two weeks at that point and was not seeing the gains that I should have been seeing.  I still had severe neck/back pain, headaches, cognitive issues, and I was feeling very discouraged as were my parents.  My Dad informed me that before my Lyme’s doctor appointment we were going to stop by this man’s lab and have my blood drawn for him to look at.  It was very generous of him to agree to. 

We made it home before my sister got home from the airport, so I decided to wait up for it; I was too excited to see her!  Plus I knew that I was getting up super early in the morning to head to DC for the doctor, then after that my Dad and I were going to meet my Mom and sister somewhere off of 95 for them to hop in our vehicle for the road trip!  By the time Payton got home from the airport it was late, almost midnight, and she went right to bed.  She didn’t want to stay up and chat; I guess that is what road trips are for, at any rate it was nice to just see her.  I have been talking to her a lot but nothing makes up for seeing someone.

I didn’t sleep well, Thursday night even though I was exhausted; my guess is it was my nerves talking.  I was very anxious for my appointment with my Lyme doctor since I haven’t been feeling well.  After my Dad finished packing the car, he and I began the drive to the microbiologist’s lab to have my blood drawn.  I am very grateful that he was able to draw my blood because he also sat down and talked with my Dad and I for a solid twenty minutes about my situation.  He shared his opinions on long term antibiotics, which many people feel strongly against; a friend of his, who is a Lyme doctor, says if you do not respond to antibiotics within three months then you won’t respond at all.  He also said that Tigecycline kills everything in your body, so that it would be hard for many other bacteria to survive in my system at this point.  He thought that I need to let my system heal at this point and eat foods with lots of fiber such as swiss chard to naturally detox my system.  He then drew my blood from the arm that doesn’t have the picc line.  He said he would send the results of my blood test to my Lyme specialist and that it usually takes 24 hours, then another 48, and a final report is created at 72 hours.

After seeing him I sobbed hysterically, while being so grateful for him being willing to help me; I felt so defeated at the same time, talk about not knowing what to feel.  The rest of the car ride to D.C. I whimpered just not knowing what to feel, but feeling disappointed, feeling like my months of IV treatment were a waste.  Most people can’t imagine the frustration I feel when I am constantly asked when are you going to be better?, is Lyme disease curable?, how come I had Lyme disease and I was better in two weeks?,  how many more weeks of antibiotics do you have?.  I know many of my friends are only trying to help and usually they are doing the best of their abilities.  That doesn’t change the fact that sometimes I wish I could teach a class on the art of being a better friend to a chronically ill individual.  There are a lot of do’s and don’t that people should be aware of.  Here are two blog posts from two different bloggers that I think are useful in helping to describe how a Lyme patients feels and what they wish others knew about them:

 By the time I arrived on M street in D.C., I was exhausted and a little bit car sick.  I hate my Dad’s driving in D.C., it is very stop and go; I bet a person could end up with whip lash from that kind of driving.  After we parked in the parking garage, took the elevator to the 2nd floor, and waited briefly in the waiting room, I was greeted by the new infusion nurse, Riley, who I had been conversing with in my patient portal for the past few weeks.  I must confess she was much older than I had been expecting; I had painted this whole picture in my head of this lady who was about 28 maybe.  Let’s say Riley was at least twenty years older than that, however she was very nice.  After Riley had taken my blood pressure lying down, sitting, and standing, and had taken my temperature, I was hoping I would be able to get a magnesium IV like I usually did.  She told me she had to ask Tara before she could even think to set anything up; I should have guessed that.  Of course my magnesium level this month was a 2.1 and the cut off for being able to have a magnesium IV was a 2.0 so I was unable to have a magnesium IV; instead I was offered a Meyer’s cocktail.  A Meyer’s cocktail consists of magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin C; it has many benefits and in hindsight is probably better for me than the magnesium when I look at the all around benefits. 

Meyer's cocktail

My doctor finally came in after I had decided to have my Meyer’s cocktail to discuss my symptoms and discuss how I had been since my last visit, which had been quite some time ago.  I hadn’t been to D.C. since before my sepsis infection in January and I had also completed another round of Tigecycline, plus had 2 and a half weeks off of antibiotics to detox the Tigecycline to see how my body would respond to being off of antibiotics.  Needless to say it had been some time since I had sat face to face and spoke to the doctor about my long list of symptoms.  As soon as we began speaking I began crying, I couldn’t hold it in.  I had too many concerns that I felt weren’t getting better for having completed as much intravenous antibiotic therapy as I had; my line was placed May 8th.  Let me remind you that, I had a previous line that I did 5 months of straight intravenous antibiotic therapy with, so I have had my fair share of torture!  Okay maybe torture is an exaggeration, BUT long-term antibiotic treatment is not an exaggeration for me. 

I voiced my thoughts about my high ferritin levels, severe back/neck nerve pain, constant cracking of my hips, knee pain, inability to process material, how I misspell everything, how I say the wrong word in social context, headaches/migraines, not sleeping well, feelings of being overwhelmingly hot, poor memory, deep hopelessness, anxiety, and dizziness—blackouts.  I told the doctor that I felt like after 2 weeks my body began to crave antibiotics; I feared that I wasn't going to be able to ever go a long time without antibiotics.  When I say I craved antibiotics, I mean that my symptoms began to worsen, just for the record.  After I was finished my show, I was told I was too toxic to go back on antibiotics and I needed another 2-3 weeks off.  The doctors told me that they couldn’t keep hitting me with antibiotics if I had too much inflammation and no way too detox; the inflammation was evident by my high ferritin levels and high CRP. 

I asked for more ways to detox, actually I begged for different ways to detox because clearly the ways that I was detoxing were not working!  I asked if I had the choice between getting a massage, going to physical therapy or getting acupuncture done, which should I do, I was told without hesitation to go with acupuncture.  I must state I was pretty shocked because I would have thought massage, but really massages stir up everything and can actually do more damage in the long run.  If you are going to get a massage though I was told to get a lymphatic drainage, never a deep tissue.  Then, I was told to juice, which I already do because that is a great way to provide nutrients to the body.  I was also told to dapple in trying pinella, burbur, or parsley; I was told some patients have great success with these products while other patients have absolutely no success.  You can find these products at

I was told my next protocol would begin in 2-3 weeks as I had said much to my disappointment.  It would be as follows:  
First week:
MWF: Omnicef 300mg (2) twice daily
           Rifabutin 150mg      twice daily
           Minocin   100mg     twice daily
Fri &Sat  Flagyl 500mg twice daily 
               Diflucan 100mg (2) once daily

Then second week 
MTW:Omnicef 300mg (2) twice daily
         Rifabutin 150mg      twice daily
         Cipro       500mg    twice daily

I was also given Tramadol 100mg ER to take as needed for pain, then for sleep I was given a script to try Remeron 15mg (2) at bedtime, or Restoril 15mg (1-2) & Atarax 25mg at bedtime and I was also told to try oil of oregano.  As you can imagine, lots to take in!  After my Meyer’s cocktail was finished, we were told that I would go through this antibiotic cycle 2-3 times then return and I guess that was that!  My Dad and I drove to meet my Mom and sister in Chevy Chase which was relatively close to my doctors but took forever to get to because of traffic.  By 3 the Erlemeier family road trip to Florida was beginning, but so was the 95 traffic! 
"Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while you wait."  

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