Yesterday I attempted my first shower post-PICC procedure and let me tell you that is always a production. How do people take showers and not really use their arm? Especially their dominant arm! I have a drycorp cover that I use and then I have a cast protector that goes all the way up to my shoulder that I use too! I had been procrastinating this shower for two days, but I have been walking 3 miles everyday for a little bit of exercise since my PICC procedure until I can get back into the yoga room so I think it was time for a shower. Plus my hair was a bit greasy! Yikes! It is interesting because since developing Lyme and co-infections, I have become obsessive about working out. I ususally never miss a day of some form of working out unless I really cannot move my body; I never had this obsession with working out before Lyme. I was talking to a boy my age with Lyme and the two co-infections that I have too a few days ago and he has the exact same obsession! I had never met anyone who was like that before! I think in talking with each other we were both shocked that this compulsion to exercise existed in other people; for me it was almost a relief to know that I wasn't alone.
After my shower I had decided not to sit in the house for the entire afternoon like I had the previous two days because it wasn't healthy, plus my friend Josh from college was super bored at home and was wondering if I wanted to do something. I had also told my sister if I was feeling up to it that I would do something with her since I know she is leaving for college soon and I haven't spent much time with her over the past 7 years due to me being sick and spending a lot of time at the doctors. I decided to combine my time with Josh and my sister and see if they both wanted to go see the Great Gatsby because there is no way I could handle much more activity then that without getting too exhausted. Both agreed and within two hours I was sitting in the theatre watching the Great Gatsby! I must admit I had no expectations for the movie because I never read the book; I can't say if it was good or bad in comparison to the book. I thought it was pretty good a little long in some parts, boy did they party hard in the 1920's/30's! I was impressed! I also really enjoyed the soundtrack. After Josh and I talked about his 21st birthday, I always forget he is only 6 days older than me! He has a lot of ideas of what he wants to do, but a lot of the people he is close to currently are from college so he, similar to me, is out of luck with the summer birthday dilemma. He can't ask every single one of his friends to come in from out of town to stay with his family for his birthday because that is also a lot to ask of his parents. I told him I would help him plan his birthday a day next week, that will give me something to do!
Going to the movies was exhausting even though I didn't even drive, I ended up falling asleep on the couch from 7-9 and then waking up for some frozen yogurt with fruit! After I woke up I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to go to bed since it was already 9, but surprisingly I was still exhausted once I took the Remeron and the Marinol I slept from 10:45-8:30, so I can't complain. I think my body is adjusting to the trauma of having a foreign object in it aka the PICC.
When I woke up I was pretty down today, my joints feel swollen and I just don't have a high tolerance for noise at all. My parents were yelling to each other from upstairs and downstairs and I just couldn't take it; they don't understand how my brain interprets them yelling. Plus one of my dogs is very whiney and he whines and barks until you let him inside or outside or he scrates on our screen door; I just don't have the tolerance for that this morning.
I probably do not have the tolerance because I know that the Taylor Swift concert at the Verizon Center is tonight and I would like nothing more than to be able to go like a normal 20 year old. But since I am not your normal 20 year old and I have severe sound and vision issues, would it really be fair to myself or others to go? I have not made it through a full concert in the past 3 years because I just can't do it with all of the sounds and lights; I get way too irritated and enraged! I hate that. It pisses me off.
Well, after a 2 hour nap and a super late lunch, I have decided I am going to this concert. I don't f***ing care anymore, (sorry if that is vulgar). I am tired of missing out on amazing opportunities. Taylor Swift tickets do not come around very often and I do not want to pass them up. I know my family is waiting for me to drop out and say that I am not going, but not this time. I am going to get dressed, go this concert, and have a great time. I will make it through it; I know I can and I will. Taylor Swift here I come.
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