Tuesday, September 10, 2013

School has Officially Started

Wow it really has been a long time since I have blogged and I apologize for that!  I hate the saying when did life become so hectic, that you no longer have time for the things you enjoy.  I have a flexible school load, but I always find myself accepting other little projects because I am such a curious person.  I can’t stand being sick and having to watch from the sidelines.  Most weekends I have to watch from the sidelines, but when it comes to school that is one area I do not have to watch from the sideline because I can push myself; where as with alcohol I really can’t. 

Anyways, the first two weeks of that protocol were pretty viscous.  I had no appetite at all and most smells made me want to throw up, I only actually threw up a few times because I know how important it is to keep that medicine down.  I think that may be the hardest part battling the urge to throw up with knowing that the pills have to be absorbed first.  I also felt very “high” this protocol or shall I say spacey.  It is as though I am in my own world and no one is in there with me.  It is an isolating feeling; I continue to reach out to all of my Lymies but none of them are here with me experiencing college with me.  In addition, I am very misunderstood because of how emotional I can become at any given point during the day; my little Lyme spirochete and who knows where the coinfections are, are located in my Limbic system, in my brain.  I do become extremely angry or extremely upset and cry over little things that do not matter; sometimes I am actually crying for something that is bothering me and I just overreacting to something else.  I still have a lot of the same symptoms so I am not going to bore you with them, but the bruising seems to be getting worse, which is of a concern.  I also had a new symptom develop swallowing is becoming hard.  I don’t know what that means….  If someone such as touches me I bruise; I couldn’t handle physical therapy.  It was harming me not doing me good.

AND I STILL HAVE THE EAR INFECTION!!!! What is this!  It is not a joke; I guess I will hear what they have to say when I go back in a week and a half.  Now that I am on my off week, I am sleeping ridiculous amounts of sleep and feel terrible.  I am also catching a cold.  It makes me think that I need antibiotics all the time because I have been off antibiotics for 4 days and I am already catching something, how crazy is that!  The one thing that kills me is the one thing that I need; that sounds something a drug user would say.

Here is this weeks lab work: 
I don't like the neutrophils being so low and the EOS levels and the lymph levels for that matter! 

Some of the highlights that have taken place since my previous blog post:

My cousin/roommate turned 21, so me and the other 2 roommates got dressed up to the extent where we were wearing wigs and went to a restaurant that had giant fishbowl drinks so that she could celebrate being 21 the right way.  Although I did not drink, I did enjoy celebrating with her on her special birthday and dressing up!

The Roommates outside of the house

 Me and the Birthday girl

Next highlight was that a professor confronted me after class and asked if I wanted to be part of her lab team because I seemed as though I was prepared every day, very engaged, and motivated to be there.  I was completely flattered especially having to deal with everything I deal with.  I met with her today and I signed on to help out just as a 1 credit course this semester and hopefully more next semester, but I could really only devote 1 credit this semester.  She wants people to savor their time at James Madison and not rush around from place to place.  For example, she wants people to watch sunsets, go to Reddish Knob, hike at Old Rag, and notice more around them.  She says that freshman get to JMU and they are so excited to be here and then my middle of sophomore year it wears off and they go into an automatic mode where they stop noticing the little things and then when graduation comes they are crying wondering why they never did any of the things on the JMU bucket list or noticed the sunset from the balcony of their apartment.  Needless, to say I am excited for this! 

Lastly, I spoke to Linda.  There aren’t enough words to say how relieved I am just for that phone call.  It meant the world to me; she is at a dr. in Martha’s Vineyard that is finally giving her the answers she has needed for years and is making improvements.  I have tears rolling down my cheeks just thinking about Linda and her improvements that she is making there and just the fact that she is getting answers.  She needed this so badly, when she left I thought she was going to pass away.  I was afraid I was going to lose one of the most important people in my life, my Harrisonburg mom the one that understands me.  I honestly don’t know what I would have done. 

“The only limits in life are the ones you make.”