Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Current health status

My current diagnosis and state: Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, Chlamydia pneumonia, hypothyroidism. gastroparesis, and SIBO

Paracelus could not have come at a better time for me.
·      Meningitis at the end of July was a majror setback cognitively and physically
·      I was in the hospital 5 times in 6 weeks a total of over two weeks
·      I was begging for an NG tube just to get some of the food and acid out of my stomach
·      I was throwing up nearly every day for 6 months
·      I am a liquid diet because of the gastroparesis
·      I have been isolated from social events due to being sick and having stomach issues
·      It is hard for me to hold a conversation—horrible concentration
·      Daily headaches, neck and spine pain
·      Insomnia (running on 3 hours of sleep)
·      Anxiety—can be crippling
·      Thyroid dysfunction
·      Tachycardia
·      Base of the neck pain
·      Losing lots of hair
·      Bruising easily
·      Passing out regularly
·      Constipation as a result of the gastroparesis
·      Neurogenic bladder
·      Swollen fingers
·      Dry mouth
·      Have lost 50 lbs or more
Lots of throwing up or constipation

“I can only go up from here”

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